Public Records Search

Friday, March 28, 2008

It's amazing how anyone is able to hide in this day and age. I say this because our technology is so advanced. It sounds bizarre when you say it out loud, but at any time you can get on the web and do a public records search. You can take your neighbor's name and find out everywhere he/she's lived the past 20 years. Yikes, that just makes me wonder if anyone is researching my history! It's somewhat of a scary thought. I suppose if someone wanted to find you, they pretty much could online. This new technology can be good and bad.

Chances are you'll never have to do a public records search. Well, that is unless you lost track of someone in your life at some point and are now struggling to regain touch. I used a public records search online in order to find an old high school friend. Okay, I'm sort of lying here. I actually used the search engine to see what happened to this girl I thought was quite attractive. It turns out she moved to the West Coast and currently lives in Santa Barbara, California. Oh well, I just had to satisfy the curiosity.

There are more ways than one to pinpoint people now days. Not only can you take advantage of free public records search engines, but you can easily just Google someone on the web or punch in their full name on or MSN. This may get results and maybe not. It all depends on what they're doing for a living, whether or not they've been in the media, or maybe if they have a website or Myspace account. It truly is phenomenal how much you can find out just by sitting in your living room with a laptop. So, if you're having difficulty finding someone from your past, whether it be from high school, college, or an old job, just indulge in a quick public records search on the web. You just might get their new address and phone number. Like I said, it's practically impossible to hide with the technology we have now. If you're alive, people will find you in cyberspace.