There aren’t many who reach their 50th wedding anniversary, but for those who do, it is a very special moment in their lives. People are getting married later in life now, and many marriages aren’t making it past five years let alone fifty, and that makes this type of milestone even more special. If someone in your family is coming up upon this special time, there are many things you can do to make it extra special for them, and to remind them of how much you love them.
One great thing you can do for someone on their 50th wedding anniversary is to build them a book of memories. You can do this as a scrapbook if you want, but remember that it does not have to be anything fancy if you don’t have the time or talent. Scrapbooks can be rather elaborate today, but that doesn’t mean yours has to be in order to be special. You should gather memories, letters, photos, and anything else from family members that celebrate their marriage of fifty years.
Many families also like to have a large party of the 50th wedding anniversary. This can include family and friends of the couple, and it is a good touch to include children. Though some like to have events without the children, this is one time when they should be there. Nothing will symbolize the success of their 50th wedding anniversary than the reminder that their family is alive, strong, and still growing. Great grandchildren are especially important, if there are any, because many don’t live to see them.
You can decide what would be the most special for someone celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. If you don’t want to do a scrapbook, you can always have a slide show of pictures, or play a game that includes memories of special things the couple did together. You can also get out old home movies if there are any. If you only have film (like 8mm) you can get it transferred to VHS or to DVD so that you can play it without the film breaking or having to worry about finding a projector if you don’t have one any longer. Not only should this celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary, it should also be a celebration of love and marriage, it should also be a celebration of family and all that everyone holds dear in life.
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